Minimum Essential Coverage
MEC is an essential part of today’s ACA compliance landscape. We’ve made it as simple as possible!
The everyday large employer…
4 out of 5 aren’t sure if they are in compliance with the ACA.
1 in 3 are spending too much on ACA compliance.
Has a potential cost of nearly $2500 per employee for simply not offering coverage or reporting.
Flyte HCM has a program that solves all these concerns!
Guaranteed Group Coverage
Minimum Essential Coverage is defined by the Affordable Care Act as the core services that must be covered by a plan for it to be recognized as a “Group Health Plan” under the Employer Shared Responsibility portion of the ACA. Whew, what a mouthful of regulations!
Let Flyte HCM help you navigate this! Our MEC program is the easiest to use and provides more value than any other ACA compliance solution on the market. We understand how this stuff works and we know how to apply it to the everyday employer’s needs.
Large employers looking for Guaranteed Group Coverage that meets their needs, look no further because Flyte HCM is your team!
Why Are We The Best?
