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HR Snapshot: Voting Leave Compliance

Many employers are unaware of state voting leave laws, which we anticipate will be heavily relied upon this year given the challenges presented by the pandemic. Most states require that employers provide at least a few hours off to vote, […]

HR Snapshot: Investigating Safety Violations

Question from a client:

We’ve heard that some employees aren’t sanitizing their workstations and wearing masks when required. Do we need to investigate safety violations even if no one has made an official complaint?



Yes, I recommend you investigate the matter […]

What Makes a ICHRA Plan Successful

The ICHRA benefit option is peaking the interest of business owners and benefit professionals alike, and will continue to gain popularity as employers are looking for other options outside of traditional group insurance plan models.


ICHRA (Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement) […]

ICHRA anytime!

Did you know you can setup an ICHRA the 1st of any month?

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